COSMIC Manifesto


Our aim is to become the worldwide leader in branded entertainment through short digital content.


Our Mission is to deliver fast, impactful, trend-based creative short content to local and global brands.

This entails creating daily content that enriches user experiences and
supports the success of our Brand Partners.

The VALUES we strive to embody

To the Universe:

  • One Team: No sub-team is more important than the other. Every team member has an important value and contributes to the same extent towards the common company goal.
  • Innovation: Stay ahead of the competition when it comes to the latest creative trends and most bespoke unusual creators. Constantly challenge the status quo and think outside the box!
  • Energy: Embrace the Work Hard, Play Hard Ethos. We embody the value of energy in everything we do. We believe in maintaining a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere where enthusiasm and passion drive our actions. The”’work hard, play hard” attitude is more than just a motto—it’s a way of life.
  • Playful but always Professional: We are a group of young astronauts empowered to express our true selves, embracing our individuality and enjoying a work environment where we can freely express our uniqueness in a safe, relaxed and collaborative space, never forgetting to be professional in everything we deliver.

Towards Myself:

  • Entrepreneurship: Constantly take the initiative and stay on the lookout for new territories. Go chase the stars!
  • Open-minded & Humble: Be open to change, and always embrace it with a positive and collaborative attitude. Engage in self-reflection and view feedback as a gift: embrace it, listen to it, and take action, avoiding an arrogant approach.
  • Tenacity & Ambition: Don’t give up when a challenge arises. Try more, do more, test more, don’t stop! The sky is not even the limit!

Towards the COSMIC Team:

  • Empathy & Kindness:  Put yourself in the other’s shoes first and analyze the situation from another point of view. Always keep in mind to be kind and gentle to everyone.
  • Solution-Driven: Be strategic and helpful. Before approaching a problem, work proactively and always try to provide a solution to the team.
  • Ownership: Take responsibility for your work, acknowledge mistakes with a positive attitude, and keep moving forward. We’re not aliens, after all, but humans.

Towards our Brand Partners:

  • Proactivity: Take the initiative. Anticipate client needs, identify potential errors, and stay ahead of emerging trends and innovations.
  • Transparency:  Always provide Brand Partners with the best possible winning and effective solutions, being honest and transparent about what and how we can perform.
  • Expertise & Reliability: Deliver top-notch expertise to Brand Partners, guide them to success, and earn their trust along the way.

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